Memory basket

“They are fun people that you meet here … Everyone’s friendly, it feels like you’re home.”
Nicholas Williams, Ntaria NT
At the heart of Big Sing Community are the memories and stories created at Big Sing events. Our first point of connection is song, and singing together. But that’s not all that we share …
Stories Blog
… because a lot goes on at Big Sing events beyond the singing, there are stories about art, dancing, weaving, travelling, eating, playing, concert nights, visits to Country, gorges and rivers, favourite moments, favourite songs … the list goes on.
We also invite you to share YOUR Big Sing memories and photos.
The joy of singing and sharing!
Sharing songs that we love is a big part of Big Sing events.
My favourite song is …
Margaret Campbell from Titjikala talks about her favourite songs at Big Sing in the Desert.
Learning the Seven Sisters story through dance
Senior law woman, Rene Kulitja teaches the dance of the Seven Sisters.
Bring Me Home translated into Luritja
Bring Me Home was translated into Luritja at Big Sing in the Desert, April 2016.
Were you there? Memories of Big Sing in the Desert 2019
A slideshow capturing the friendships, fun and shared joy of singing.
Share YOUR story
Write your story and attach a pic below. Note: Stories/comments will not appear immediately on the page – to guard against spam posts we need to approve each story prior to publication.
Big Sing events
since 2010